Friday, June 12, 2009

Gold Investing (by Jakob Jelling)

Gold investing is a low-risk type of long-term investment.

Gold is slightly more risky than bonds, so you should be careful to pay attention to this. The reason for this is that while gold is used in some industries, it does not necessarily need to be worth as much money as it is. Also, part of the reason that gold is worth so much money is due to its comparative rarity. If the markets were to become flooded, chances are good that you would lose money. However, gold has a tendency to stay relatively stable, or to increase its value, over time.

How stable is gold investing? Well, the demand for gold is much higher than its supply. As you can tell, this is already good for people who are thinking about gold investing. Once there is more supply than demand, the price starts to rise. Since the demand for gold is almost twice the amount that is actually mined, the prices for gold are likely to go up steadily.

This also means that it is still a good time to invest in gold. The reason for that is that prices for gold need to go up so that there is not a gold shortage in the world. (After all, the increase in prices will decrease the demand until finally, there is no more gold shortage).

The first thing that you should keep in mind about gold investing, is that you should not put all of your money into one type of gold investment. You should also not just go out and buy a bunch of physical gold. While this is a good way to build a solid and insured foundation, you should also be investing in some of the other parts of the gold industry. For instance, if you invest in gold mines that are not producing at their top amount yet, or in potential gold mines, you stand a chance of making more money in the future.

Since gold is in such high demand, it is likely that any gold mines that are not producing much will start trying to produce more - so that they can cash in on the high demand and higher prices as well.

A good reason for investing in gold mines instead of just in physical pieces of gold, is that if you only invest in physical gold, it's more likely that it can be stolen from you, at which point you will lose your entire investment.

About The Author
Jakob Jelling is the founder of Go to and learn how to invest your money!

Golden Heart? Your Big Reason to Jump Into the Gold Market (by Joseph Harris)

Ok let's face it. People love gold. For thousands of years kings and conquerors and adventurers alike have sought tirelessly after it. Wars were fought over it, empires forged with it, and great kings remembered for it.

And guess what? I'm going to show you how it's SO easy to build a little empire of your own by getting into the gold market. You'll be no King Tut…but I can bet that you'll be pretty impressed if you follow through on what I tell you.

Who cares about the gold market?

Ok so here's the scoop. Over the past few years gold has begun to shoot up in price after hitting a bit of a low in early 2004. And the gold market's only going to get better. What's happening is that the world digs up roughly 2500 metric tones of the yellow stuff each year. Problem? The world also ends up wanting to buy around twice that. You don't have to be a math wiz to see the shortage problem.

This little deficit has been going on for over a decade now, but National Banks around the world, which are basically the equivalent of our Federal Reserve, have been selling enough to the gold market to more than compensate for the lack of renewed supply. The gold flowing from these banks has kept the price from skyrocketing to the heavens.

BUT!! As you may recall I told you that the price of gold has been rising unremittingly. It began to perk up around 2001, and gave a little "jump" in '04, opening a lot of eyes, and showing us all that the gold market is up and ready to explode. The foreign National Banks are no longer selling enough gold to quell the deficit.

This is where we come in.

Ok so what's step #1?

The great part about this is that it's so incredibly easy. You get to amass your own private little (or amazingly large) gold treasure. Yup. Physical, tangible, luxurious gold coins and bars. Something clicks in the back of your mind when you handle your first bit of gold that makes you see why so many people have been searching for it for so long.

But wait a second, isn't investing in the gold market supposed to be with stock?

Glad you asked. And your answer is HELL no. Seeing that you would be investing in a COMPANY, that business' stock always has the potential to plunge down to zero, no matter how mighty it may seem today. Physical gold on the other hand will always hold most of its value. Always. That's the beauty of the gold market. Look back in time, research it if you have to, but can you think of a timeframe in which gold was actually worthless?

Didn't think so.

As the NASDAQ bust taught us all, every stock unfortunately has the threat of crashing. That won't happen with the gold market. It has a timeless, self-intrinsic value that doesn't rely on someone's promise to pay. Gold you buy today will have, at the very least, the same value if your great grandchildren turned it in for retirement money.

Ok so how exactly do you buy gold?

The gold market is a lot closer than you'd think. First of all if you live in a town with over 15,000 people, bust out the old yellow pages and look up "Coin Dealer." You'll be surprised how many listings turn up. Just walk in, write a check, and skip away with glee. Welcome to the gold market!

If you'd prefer a more technological transaction, you can place orders over the phone or the internet. Just follow the easy directions, put in a credit card number over a secure form and you're done. You can have gold on your doorstep the next morning!

Wow, the gold market is easy to work with!

Told ya so! Now being that you will be handling physical pieces of gold, don't make the mistake of letting someone hold it for you. They'll give you a structured note or gold certificate but you're better off insisting on immediate possession of your gold, be it coins or bars. Just in case some disaster rolls around, this is the only way you can truly ensure that you own the gold.

So there you have it, one of the easiest, and more importantly most profitable investments you'll ever make. Hopefully I've been able to show you the gold market is, well, a gold mine! Gold prices have already taken off and luckily won't slow down for quite a while. So do yourself a favor and get your feet wet. Call a local coin dealer and enjoy the profits of the gold market!

Here's to your success!
Joe Harris provides all the proven stock market investing tools you need to succeed today, including investments in the gold market. For details visit his site:
Stock Market Investing

E-gold Invest: Make Money With Currency Trading (by Charles Cruz)

Many people are already starting to pay attention to the newest online trend: E-gold investing.

E-gold investing is a all about a system that allows you to profit from the money that is being traded everyday on the internet. What you're doing when you are trading e-gold (or e-currencies) is that you are providing the backup for internet money. Let me go back a bit. What exactly do I mean by "backup for internet money"?

There is a cashflow of all of the money that is being moved throughout the internet every day. However, this money has to have, for every dollar that is being backed up, a physical backup of that dollar must exist.

This is a very superficial explanation about how the dxgold system works, but to be honest, to profit from it, you don't have to understand exactly how it works to profit from it. If I were to put the e-gold training courses into a metaphor I would say it's very much like driving a car. You don't need to know how it works in order to use it properly.

What you do need to know is the egold exchange process and every step of the way. This may sound complex, but once you get to know it, it becomes a daily routine that takes about five minutes just to check up on.

Investing in e-gold is something that I could describe as a great investing strategy, if you are investing in the long run.

It isn't as fast as a rising stock in wall street, it isn't something that will double your profits in a couple of days, but it is something you can expect to generate a good income from. And the important keyword in that past sentence would be to Expect, because this is a safe long term strategy that is guaranteed to make a profit for you.

This is why I personally think it is plain silly not to learn this currency trading system. You even know how much money you will make each day in advance.

For some it may be tough, but saving a couple of hundred dollars and investing in e-gold can be a very wise decision. As many people have experienced already, it can even turn into a "hands off" second income without the 8 to 5 job.

E-gold is all about discipline. Is about the discipline of having your money work for you and letting it grow, without getting an urge of a shopping spree and taking your money out of your account.

If you think you can wait for a few months and are interested in getting a second income, then the e-gold system could be a good fit for you.

I've writen detailed reviews for the best courses about e-currency exchange, visit my site ( for the inside scoop on how to Invest in e-gold